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Needs Assessment & Business Operations Planning

Waco Performing Arts Center

Waco, Texas

Waco, Texas, is a dynamic city with several performing arts organizations, including the Waco Civic Theatre, Waco Symphony Orchestra, dance studios, and the programming emanating from Baylor University. Many independent artists and organizations operate in non-traditional arts spaces and clubs. Creative Waco serves as a unifying force within the community, advocating for all arts organizations and artists.

Creative Waco, in conjunction with the City of Waco, commissioned a feasibility study to determine the viability of a new performing arts center in the Texas market and how it would operate.

The operating model recommended for the future facility was designed to serve Waco’s community needs, including incubating local arts while offering global cultural exposure. Recommended programming included a robust presenting series featuring touring productions such as Broadway, an arts education program, a work-study partnership with Baylor University, community partner events, and private rentals.

Proposed governance models included a nonprofit-owned and operated model or a nonprofit-owned/venue management company-operated model. In either scenario, operating pro forma projections estimated a revenue-to-expense gap of close to $1 million. Financing and taxation strategies were researched across benchmarked facilities to provide funding solutions for this gap. Overall, the project demonstrated viability within the marketplace and local demand.

* Project work conducted by Victor Gotesman and Associates at VGPAP




Creative Waco



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